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Their Family Might Not Look Alike But Thanks To Adoption It’s Full Of Love

Many couples who would like to have children struggle with unexplained infertility. After getting married in January of 2018, Sadie and Jarvis Sampson tried for over a year to get pregnant without success. This was particularly difficult for Sadie, who had felt destined for motherhood her entire life.

After reaching out to her doctor, Sadie was told that losing weight might increase her chances of conceiving. Her doctor told her that if weight loss did not result in pregnancy within six months, she would refer her to a fertility doctor. Unfortunately, even after having gastric bypass surgery and losing a significant amount of weight, Sadie was still unable to conceive.



After trying for so long, Sadie and Jarvis were seriously considering just accepting the fact that they were not going to be able to conceive instead of starting the grueling process of working with an infertility doctor. Just when they were beginning to lose hope, something amazing happened.

Sadie got a text from her best friend asking if she and Jarvis would consider being foster parents or adopting a baby. When Sadie replied that they would, her friend told her that she knew of a couple who were trying to find someone to care for their newborn son. After that text, the process proceeded very quickly, Sadie told Love What Matters.

Sadie and Jarvis talked with a lawyer about the possible adoption. The couple decided that they wanted Sadie and Jarvis to adopt their son instead of only fostering him. After agreeing to adopt, the two couples signed the necessary paperwork and Sadie and Jarvis, who are African American, became parents to a precious white baby boy named Ezra.


Because Ezra was premature, he had to spend weeks in the hospital, reports Motherly. This gave Sadie and Jarvis time to make the necessary preparations to take care of a newborn baby. Sadie feels that the reason she could not conceive is that she and Jarvis were meant to be Ezra’s parents. One of the first things they did was take photos with their son. In one Jarvis is wearing a shirt with the message “Families don’t have to match.

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