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5-Year-Old Is Excited When Mom Tells Him He’s Going To Be A Big Brother

Siblings have a special bond that only they share. While some brothers and sisters are closer than others, most siblings will have an undeniable connection forged in shared experiences. Especially if they are relatively close in age, siblings will have similar childhoods and view that period from the same perspective. Growing up is an individual experience but siblings are often the people who understand one another, and their shared histories, most completely.

A sibling is often a child’s first playmate, confidante, and best friend. As we grow up, it’s not uncommon to grow apart from your siblings. We develop our own identities, friendships, relationships, and lives, but it is our brothers and sisters who know where we came from. When you do finally meet up after a long period apart, all of a sudden that time simply disappears and those bonds feel as strong as ever.

If you’re an older sibling, you may not remember the moment you found out that you were going to be a big brother or sister. I’m the youngest of two and I’m lucky to have a great big brother, but I doubt that he was excited as the boy in this video when he found out the news. He settled into the role and was a wonderful, protective older sibling and friend, but I imagine the news of my impending arrival must have been a bit of a shock. For most kids, it might bring up feelings of jealousy or inadequacy. It’s not uncommon for older siblings to feel left out.



It’s really important for parents to be able to sit down with their eldest and explain to them what’s happening. By including them and their feelings about what’s going on with the addition of a little brother or sister, they are able to feel included instead of cast out. Every

Five-year-old Ethan was just shown sonogram pictures of his new baby sibling growing in his mother’s belly. His reactions go from incredulous to pure excitement, and he asks over and over if it is true. He can’t wait to share the news with one of his favorite people, his teacher, and seems delighted with his upcoming role as a big brother.

Watch Ethan’s adorable reaction in the video below and please like and share the post if you found this heartwarming and adorable!

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