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Mom Leaves Infant Son With ‘Low-Tech’ Grandpa Only To Be Sent Self-Made Memes

We all have a special place in our hearts for our grandparents. I mean, why wouldn’t we? They feed us like there is no tomorrow, have our backs when we’re in a spat with our parents and even let us off the hook when we might not deserve it!



This story from 2019 proves yet again, why grandparents are truly the best. One grandpa named David Waterhouse, who hails from Dallas, TX, was tasked with looking after his grandson Ty, while his daughter and Ty’s dad went on their first vacation without the baby. It turned out that the former Dallas police officer had some tricks up his sleeve regarding how he could make the babysitting adventure more fun.

He also proved that you do not have to be technologically savvy to have a good time. In fact, David’s daughter, Stephanie Waterhouse, told Good Morning America that her father does not even use social media and relies on an old flip phone to take pictures. So she could not have imagined what would happen when she left her son in his care.

Stephanie and her husband spent their vacation in stitches as David continued to send them a series of hilarious photos of Ty posed next to printed pieces of paper with funny captions. David had planned the hijinks well before he left for the trip. He was worried that he would not be able to figure out Stephanie’s printer, so he printed them all at home before he even left for Kentucky. Stephanie dubbed the self-made memes, “memes by Pawpaw” and the internet couldn’t get enough.

“Memes by Pawpaw surprised us in that my dad had thought this out before he even flew up to Kentucky. He printed the notes at home because he knew he wouldn’t be able to figure out how to print them at our house. But once he started sending them, it doesn’t surprise us because he’s very funny like that.”

David flew out to Fort Knox, KY, to be with the military family so that he could look after Ty, who was then just 8 months old so that Stephanie and her husband could take their first vacation together without their son. The images featured Ty looking adorable with large printed pieces of paper next to him with funny “captions.” One read:

“Dad and Mom, There is a ‘small’ dent in the Mustang. It won’t cost much to fix.”

Meanwhile, another said:

“Dad and Mom, We partied with veggies and binged (sic) watched Sesame Street. No worries. Love Ty”

It’s clear that David was having a lot of fun when he wrote the captions and while he took the photos. Another caption read:

“Dad and Mom, I got a tattoo!! What is a bikini? I really like beer. Love Ty.”

Memes by Pawpaw was clearly a hit and it’s obvious from looking at the pictures that David is one funny and clever grandpa! It’s also somewhat unsurprising to learn that he is apparently very “low-tech” according to Stephanie. She said that he doesn’t actually know what a meme is and doesn’t have a Facebook account.

“My dad is low tech … He refuses to get a smart phone and is very proud of his flip phone without internet. I once emailed him and asked for a shrimp scampi recipe. He couldn’t find it so he printed out similar recipes, scanned them in, and then emailed me the scanned recipe. He had no idea he could just copy the URL.”



Knowing that David isn’t particularly tech-savvy makes his memes even sweeter — not only did he go to such lengths to print out the captions beforehand, but it means he created his own kind of meme without even knowing what one was! Despite not being the most educated person when it comes to social media and the internet, David was able to harness technology to give his family and a lot of people on the internet a good laugh.

And while he isn’t up to date on the latest tech nowadays, that wasn’t always the case. Stephanie explained:

“My dad is a recently retired Dallas Police Officer. He was actually the person who created the database that tracked homicide information for the Dallas Police Department. The FBI took his idea and modeled one of their national databases after the one he created.”

That’s impressive, to say the least! Stephanie said that David is a “great dad” and that “he absolutely loves being a grandfather and loves spending time with Ty.” She added:

“I love that I’m able to just relax and know that my son is having the time of his life with his amazing Pawpaw.”

Ty is a lucky little boy to have this special pal in his life, that is for sure.

How cute is what David did! What did you think of his self-made memes? Have you ever witnessed anything similar? Let us know and pass this on so others can enjoy it too!

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