HomeUncategorized“The cute and funny baby falls asleep on the go but keeps...

“The cute and funny baby falls asleep on the go but keeps on eating a bun.”

In the comments, users are charmed by the sweet boy and are unsure whether to wish him a good night or a pleasant appetite.
Some users playfully scold the mom, suggesting that she missed the moment to feed the little one and put him to sleep. The video then cuts off, and we never find out if he managed to complete his mission or if his mom took pity on him and carried him to bed.


Sweet dreams and buns to you, little one. Deviating behavior in a child is often attributed by parents to society, blaming it for negatively influencing their child’s development, completely forgetting that they themselves are the “foundation” for his behavior.

All perceptions of the outside world are copied by the child from them. In adolescence, a child may feel like an individual not dependent on the life concepts instilled by parents,

but that’s not the case—what was laid down in childhood will stay with them for life, an unchanging foundation.

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