HomeUncategorizedSassy 6-Year-Old Charms The Judges During Singing Audition On AGT

Sassy 6-Year-Old Charms The Judges During Singing Audition On AGT

Children can be pretty fearless beings. Often because they don’t know any better, children will say and do things with little regard for how it might make them look or how others may respond. Children haven’t yet endured the harsh words or criticism that most adults have, which can keep them from pursuing a dream or a goal.

Zoe Erianna, a sweet and adorable 6-year-old girl, has a ton of confidence in herself and her musical abilities. When Simon Cowell asked the young woman if she believed she would be the winner of America’s Got Talent, she answered with an emphatic “yes.”


Minutes after her conversation with the judges, Zoe got right into her performance of “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga. This little girl shows that she has a ton of talent and confidence.

Zoe’s cute performance comes complete with hand motions. When the song mentions lipstick or brushing your hair, she moves her hands accordingly. Several times throughout her performance, Zoe even flips her hair, thrilling the audience every time. They respond with loud, boisterous cheers and a thunderous round of applause.

The judges and the studio audience give the young girl a standing ovation. They loved this precious little girl’s adorable performance.

Zoe received a ton of compliments from the judges. When it was time to vote, the judges remained positive, giving her four yes votes.

The little girl also has big plans for the money if she becomes the next winner of America’s Got Talent. While she is only 6 years old, most of her ideas involve modes of transportation.

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