HomeUncategorizedThe couple had five children at once: Now their life is an...

The couple had five children at once: Now their life is an endless pipeline for babies

Briana and Jordan Turner from Kentucky have five children. The twins were born after a long couple’s treatment for infertility. Jordan on the robot was given a two-week vacation. The young mother is helped by a nanny who constantly lives with them, and a grandmother who comes at 6 in the morning and stays with Briana until the evening.




“It’s a circle run.” Parents of quintuplets tell how their day goes. During the day they turn on the washing machine several times. Children change diapers about 60 times a day. Briana: “We’re in chaos – we don’t even have time to sit down.”

Feeding of children is repeated every 30 minutes – as soon as the parents and their assistants finish feeding the last child, the first one again has a feeling of hunger. The cycle repeats itself over and over again – the family prepares about 40 bottles of milk formula per day.


“When the babies were born, we had to buy a minivan – the old car could not accommodate all of us. But even in this one we find it difficult to accommodate.” Now the couple dreams of a big and cozy house where they could all fit comfortably.


Briana admits that she vaguely remembers how the first year after giving birth went. And when asked if she wants more children, the mother replies: “Oh, God – no,

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