HomeUncategorizedWho’s That Baby In The Mirror? Baby Doesn’t Recognize Reflection After Haircut!

Who’s That Baby In The Mirror? Baby Doesn’t Recognize Reflection After Haircut!

Video about a baby and a mirror. A seven-month-old baby has just had a new haircut. The change might not seem too significant, but when the child saw themselves in the mirror, they didn’t recognize – squinting, peering,

and eventually pushing the unfamiliar face until they fell on their back. This is what changes in appearance mean for such little ones: a serious shock – who is sitting in front of me and holding my toy?! Give it back, you rascal! You remind me of someone, suspicious. Reactions of very young children are always unpredictable.



They can stare at something they like for minutes, fall asleep during feeding, or collapse onto a dog as if on a pillow. However, babies react differently to their reflection. Some understand it’s them and get used to it, while others persistently think it’s a stranger baby and even try to communicate, argue, or snatch the toy! This baby, it seems, had already gotten used to their reflection, but the new haircut completely baffled them.
This is definitely someone else! But soon the little one will also understand and react to their reflection calmly. For now, parents can only laugh at the unexpected reaction of the child to themselves.

Although, let’s not hide that we, adults, are sometimes shocked by what we see in the mirror – something with the face, a few extra pounds, or something completely different. So, the little one is behaving quite naturally.

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