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A student who appeared modest surprises the school by playing a popular song when he picks up a guitar.

Numerous educational institutions arrange talent shows, where students can exhibit their exceptional abilities. Some may prefer dancing, while others might opt for playing an instrument or singing. Alternatively, they may display their magical abilities or attempt a comedy act.

Regardless of the chosen performance, it can be nerve-wracking for students to stand in front of their peers and present their talents. If the performance is unsuccessful, the student may face mockery for the remainder of their school years. However, if the performance is successful, they may be regarded differently, with a greater degree of respect.



Back in 2018, a student named Peyton Littleton signed up to perform in his high school’s talent show. He brought his guitar and planned to sing a song.

When it was Littleton’s turn to perform, he adjusted the microphone on the stand and gazed out at his fellow students who were patiently watching him. Did the students think he would sing well? Did they think his performance would go poorly? We don’t know, but we do know that they didn’t expect him to perform as well as he did.

Before he started singing, Littleton told the audience that he would be performing “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran. He invited his peers to sing along with the song, but we didn’t hear anyone singing. They were probably too captivated by his performance. Instead of singing, some people watching turned the flashlight app on on their phones and waved them in the air like you would at a concert.

The cheers at the end of the performance say it all. In the end, Littleton ended up winning first place in the talent show. Watch the video below to see this impressive performance for yourself.

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